Saturday, 23 August 2008

Dollar siapa Takut

Google Adsense, program affiliasi untuk bisnis internet yang sangat popular di dunia online saat ini. Semua orang bisa berpartisipasi menjadi pengiklan bagi google dengan syarat mudah dan cepat, cukup dengan menempatkan iklan-iklan google di situs mereka. Dengan metode komisi pay per click (PPC), menghasilkan uang dari google metodenya jauh lebih sederhana dan sangat liquid, beda dengan affiilasi lainnya, yang mengharuskan kita menjual sesuatu baru mendapatkan komisi. Google Adsense telah membawa revolusi baru dalam bisnis internet, pogram ini telah menghasilkan jutawan online tanpa harus mencari investor-investor besar seperti yang biasa dilakukan perusahaan-perusahaan dot com dari Silicon valley.

Apa itu Google Adwords dan Google Adsense,

Sebelum mengenal lebih juga tentang Google Adsense, sedikit terlebih dahulu akan diulas Google Adwords yang merupakan cikal bakal kelahiran Google Adsense. Google Adwords adalah program periklanan yang ditawarkan google kepada para pemilik situs yang ingin mempromosikan situsnya, dengan cara menampilkan link situs pengiklan di hasil pencarian untuk kata kunci (keyword) tertentu.

Contoh : jika kita melakukan pencarian di google dengan kata kunci welding misalnya, maka selain hasil pencarian, di bagian seperempat di sebelah kanan akan muncul Sponsored Link / Pesan Sponsor.

Tentu saja, para pemasang iklan akan dikenakan sejumlah biaya tergantung dari kepopuleran kata kunci yang dipilihnya.

Namun Google menyadari, meskipun dia sekarang ini menjadi search engine nomor satu di dunia, tidak semua pengguna internet di dunia yang memakai google sebagai mesin pencari, sehingga iklan di google adwords, belum mampu menjangkau seluruh pengguna internet, oleh karena itu mereka menawarkan kepada pemilik situs untuk memasang iklan google adwords di situs mereka dengan pola bagi hasil yang disebut Google Adsense . Jika ada seseorang yang mengunjung situs peserta adsense dan mengklik iklan yang ada di situs tersebut, maka pemilik situs akan mendapat komisi dari google, metode pembayaran komisi seperti ini biasa disebut dengan nama pay per click (PPC).

Berapa banyak komisi yang Diterima?

Komisi yang didapatkan tergantung iklan yang ditempatkan di situs kita. Google sendiri akan menempatkan iklan sesuai dengan isi/content situs . Harga Pay per click sendiri ditentukan oleh seberapa mahal kata kunci tersebut dihargai oleh pemasang iklan Adwords, misalnya kata kunci welding mungkin cuma dihargai 0.5 dolar per klik, tetapi kata kunci insurance misalnya bisa dihargai hingga 30 dolar per klik. Kata-kata kunci yang bernilai tinggi inilah yang disebut dengan High Paying Keyword (HPK). Situs-situs dengan topik spesifik untuk kata kunci (keyword) tertentu disebut situs niche.
Bayangkan jika kita bisa membuat situs yang dikunjungi 1000 orang per hari , dan asumsikan ada 10% yang mengklik iklan dengan komisi 1 dolar per klik, maka dalam sehari situs itu sudah menghasilkan 100 dolar/hari atau 3000 dolar per bulan. Lumayan kan, jauh lebih tinggi dari gaji fresh graduate. Seandainya punya 10 situs serupa, hitung aja sendiri penghasilannya. Di Indonesia sendiri, sudah ada beberapa orang yang meraih komisi diatas 10.000 dolar per bulan, yang dapat ribuan dolar sudah banyak, apalagi yang cuma ratusan.

Di Amerika sendiri, banyak yang sudah mendapat ratusan ribu bahkan jutaan dolar, seperti situs plentyoffish. com ( perjodohan) atau ( berita) atau ezinearticles. com, hebatnya rata-rata situs mereka bukan lahir dari perusahaan-perusahaan besar silicon valley ( seperti yahoo, google, etc), tapi dari rumahan, ya dari rumah dengan modal PC yang terkoneksi ke internet.

Bagaimana cara ikutan Program Google Adsense?

Dari keterangan yang saya sebutkan di atas, tentu saja untuk ikut program ini, yang harus kita punya adalah situs untuk meletakkan iklan, kalau berdagang, situs ibarat toko, dan iklan adalah barang dagangannya. Setelah punya situs dengan topik/niche tertentu (e.g. education, consultant, farm, etc), kita bisa apply di , lakukan registrasi, kemudian google akan mereview situs kita, jika memenuhi syarat dan diterima, google akan memberikan kode-kode html yang bisa kita masukkan di situs kita. Jadi deh… simple kan…?

Eiits… tunggu dulu, bagaimana kalau yang gak ngerti bikin situs… ? .. jangan khawatir, untuk pemula buat aja blog (kalau ini pasti sudah banyak yang ngerti), blog juga bisa dipasangi adsense. Bagi pemula berikut langkah-langkah membuat blog adsense (prosesnya gak lebih dari sejam):

Tentukan topik blog yang akan dibuat ( misal. self development. music, education. etc).
Buat blog di, kenapa harus blogger, karena blogger masih punya google, jadi lebih gampang untuk di approve, jka sudah expert bisa pakai yang lain.
Cari artikel tentang topik yang sudah dipilih, ( cari aja google, banyak, bisa diedit, atau langsung copy paste tapi tentu dengan mencantumkan sumbernya), posting artikel di blog 10-15 posting, kemudian baru melamar untuk ikutan program adsense via situs
Setelah lamaran diterima, kita dikasih account yang isinya macam2, diantaranya report jumlah klik dan komisi yang kita peroleh, disitu juga kode2 html yang tinggal yang tinggal di copy paste ke situs kita. Untuk di blogger caranya gampang banget, tinggal tambahin page element, kemudian klik add html/javascript, copy-kan adsense kode disitu. Jadi deh.
Remark: untuk waktu approval dari google, tergantung situs, bisa langsung approve, atau sehari malah kadang lebih.

Ada beberapa macam type iklan di google, namun yang umum dipakai adalah adsense for content dan adsense for search .

Ibarat jualan, toko sudah jadi, isi toko sudah ada, sekarang apa?… yah tinggal cari pembeli, ini tahap yang agak berat dan butuh waktu. Percuma kita punya toko tanpa ada yang beli. Yang disebut pembeli yaitu pengunjung situs kita, atau di dunia online umum disebut sebagai traffic. Semakin banyak traffic situs kita, berarti semakin tinggi kemungkinan iklan di klik dan semakin banyak komisi yang kita terima.

Nah untuk hal ini, bagaimana cara meningkatkan traffic ke situs kita secara general ada banyak cara untuk mendapatkan traffic, salah satu contohnya adalah mendapatkan traffic gratis dengan search engine. Contoh kembali lagi ke awal, jika kita mengetikkan kata kunci welding di google, ada lebih dari 30 juta hasil pencarian (gambar 1). Mana yang paling mungkin dibuka para pengunjung? ya halaman terdepan dong. Jika situs kita muncul di halaman pertama akan sangat bagus, halaman kedua atau ketiga masih OK-lah, tapi bagaimana jika di halaman 20?… siapa yang mau liat ..

Tentu semua adsenser ingin situs niche-nya akan muncul di halaman awal di hasil pencarian di google, bagaimana agar situs kita muncul di halaman awal?.. caranya adalah dengan Search Engine Optimization (SEO), apa itu SEO, akan saya lanjutkan di artikel berikutnya.

Friday, 15 August 2008


$4000/Bulan dari Google AdSense
Kau mengenal Cosa Aranda orang gila yang bisa dapat bermain internet dapat uang lagi
Cosa Aranda melaporkan bahwa ia mendapatkan lebih dari $4000/bulan dari Google AdSense pada bulan November kemarin.
Penghasilan tersebut ia dapatkan dari iklan AdSense yang dipasang pada blog-blog di jaringan miliknya. Katanya sih tapi memang nekad orang ini.Blog-blog tersebut memiliki tema yang bervariasi, tetapi yang paling populer adalah yang bertemakan teknologi dan juga koleksi lirik musik.

Selain dari AdSense, Cosa juga mendapatkan lebih dari $80 pada bulan yang sama dari jaringan iklan Blogads.

Untuk menangani jaringan blognya, Cosa mempekerjakan dua orang pegawai. Sedangkan untuk mencapai targetnya, dia mematok pembuatan tulisan di blognya sebanyak antara 3 sampai dengan 12 buah tulisan per hari untuk setiap blognya.

Seperti halnya Weblogs Inc., pendapatan utama dari jaringan Funponsel sepertinya berasal dari penempatan iklan Google AdSense. Walaupun demikian, saya juga melihat ada beberapa iklan yang tidak berasal dari Google AdSense.

Bagaimana Cosa mencapai ini semua? Saya rasa resepnya kira-kira seperti ini:

1. Menuli dalam Bahasa Inggris, blog yang berbahasa Inggris memiliki CTR 20-30 kali lebih tinggi daripada blog berbahasa Indonesia.
2. Desain yang dioptimasi untuk penempatan AdSense dan iklan lainnya.
3. Optimasi Mesin Pencari (SEO).
4. Rajin menulis artikel sebanyak 1-2 lusin setiap harinya.

Yang aktif mencari pendapatan dari Google AdSense di Indonesia tentunya bukan hanya Cosa. Para profesional Google AdSense ini berkumpul di forum Adsense-ID. Dalam sebuah postingnya, Cosa mengatakan bahwa ada anggota forum yang memiliki pendapatan per bulan sampai 5 digit.

Sukses Cosa tak lepas dari kerja kerasnya di dunia maya, Blog Funponsel yang pernah menjadi anggota pengumpul blog Planet Terasi bukanlah blog yang populer di kalangan pembaca Planet Terasi.

Jaringan Funponsel mendapat lebih dari $4000/bulan, tentunya ada banyak pengunjung yang mengklik iklan AdSense. Dari mana saja pengunjung ini? Tentu saja dari mesin ggole aku menemukan we ini dari alat ini.
Jangan har

jangan ikuti jejaknya nanti gila aytau kau dapat kaya!!!

Wednesday, 6 August 2008


A picture isn't always worth a thousand words
The maxim about the Internet is that content is king. While this holds true for AdSense publishers, there’s one important caveat: if it’s not text-based content, our crawler might not notice.

While we’re constantly working to improve our targeting technology, our crawlers need text to properly match ads to your pages. Although images, flash, and streaming video can help spice up a site, relying heavily on these sorts of elements will make it difficult for us to get a good read on what your site is about.

If your site uses a lot of these features, make sure you provide enough text-based content in one of our supported languages to effectively convey the topic of your site. If our crawler doesn’t find enough text, you may get poorly targeted ads or public service ads (PSAs). While we can't say the exact amount of text content that you'll need to receive targeted ads, we do recommend including complete sentences and paragraphs on your pages.

To improve your ad targeting, here are few other pointers:

* Use text in addition to images when possible. Please note that the crawler can't read text contained within images.
* If you use images, be sure to title them appropriately and provide descriptive ALT tags.
* Try imagining your site without pictures or dynamic content. This will give you a good idea of what our crawler reads. If you lack imagination, you can try turning the images off in your web browser.

Finally, it's important to keep in mind that the AdSense for content ads on your site are automatically determined. Though it's not possible to choose the ads that are placed on your site, including more text-based content will help make it possible for our system to target your site correctly.

mber of publishers have asked us if it's acceptable to place multiple publishers' ad code on the same page or site. Often they'll run into this issue when two AdSense publishers manage a site together and both want to display their ads, or if a site owner hosts content and ads from other publishers on the same page as their own.

The answer is that yes, we do allow this. But before you place your ad code on the same page or site as another publisher, here are a few important points to keep in mind:

* The maximum number of products per page will remain the same.
* If you don't own the site, you'll need to receive permission from the site owner to display your ads on their pages.
* We're unable to divide earnings between accounts, so any revenue generated will be credited to the account associated with the ad unit that was clicked or viewed.
* Any shared site that displays Google ads must also comply with our program policies.
* You're responsible for the content of any page where your ad code appears. Before placing your ad code on another publisher's site, we recommend reviewing the site for any policy violations.

And one final tip before giving your code to another publisher -- try using our Allowed Sites feature to monitor where your ads are appearing and keep your account in good standing.


Google uses its Internet search technology to serve advertisements based on website content, the user's geographical location, and other factors. Those wanting to advertise with Google's targeted advertisement system may enroll through AdWords. AdSense has become a popular method of placing advertising on a website because the advertisements are less intrusive than most banners, and the content of the advertisements is often relevant to the website.

Currently, AdSense uses JavaScript code to incorporate the advertisements into a participating website. If the advertisements are included on a website that has not yet been crawled by the Mediabot, AdSense will temporarily display advertisements for charitable causes, also known as public service announcements (PSAs). (The Mediabot is different from the Googlebot, which maintains Google's search index.)

Many websites use AdSense to monetize their content. AdSense has been particularly important for delivering advertising revenue to small websites that do not have the resources for developing advertising sales programs and salespeople. To fill a website with advertisements that are relevant to the topics discussed, webmasters implement a brief script on the websites' pages. Websites that are content-rich have been very successful with this advertising program, as noted in a number of publisher case studies on the AdSense website.

Some webmasters invest significant effort into maximizing their own AdSense income. They do this in three ways:[citation needed]

1. They use a wide range of traffic-generating techniques, including but not limited to online advertising.
2. They build valuable content on their websites that attracts AdSense advertisements, which pay out the most when they are clicked.
3. They use copy on their websites that encourages visitors to click on advertisements. Note that Google prohibits webmasters from using phrases like "Click on my AdSense ads" to increase click rates. The phrases accepted are "Sponsored Links" and "Advertisements."[citation needed]

The source of all AdSense income is the AdWords program, which in turn has a complex pricing model based on a Vickrey second price auction. AdSense commands an advertiser to submit a sealed bid (i.e., a bid not observable by competitors). Additionally, for any given click received, advertisers only pay one bid increment above the second-highest bid.

[edit] History

The underlying technology behind AdSense was derived originally from WordNet, Simpli (a company started by the founder of Wordnet, George A. Miller), and a number of professors and graduate students from Brown University, including James A. Anderson, Jeff Stibel, and Steve Reiss.[1] A variation of this technology utilizing WordNet was developed by Oingo, a small search engine company based in Santa Monica founded in 1998 by Gilad Elbaz.[2][3] Oingo changed its name to Applied Semantics in 2001,[4] which was later acquired by Google in April 2003 for US$102 million.[5]

[edit] AdSense for feeds

In May 2005, Google announced a limited-participation beta version of AdSense for feeds, a version of AdSense that runs on RSS and Atom feeds that have more than 100 active subscribers. According to the Official Google Blog, "advertisers have their ads placed in the most appropriate feed articles; publishers are paid for their original content; readers see relevant advertising — and in the long run, more quality feeds to choose from."[6]

AdSense for feeds works by inserting images into a feed. When the image is displayed by a RSS reader or Web browser, Google writes the advertising content into the image that it returns. The advertisement content is chosen based on the content of the feed surrounding the image. When the user clicks the image, he or she is redirected to the advertiser's website in the same way as regular AdSense advertisements.

AdSense for feeds has remained in its beta state ever since its original announcement. Only selected AdSense users have been allowed to enroll, and no more users are being admitted to the program.[7]

[edit] AdSense for search

A companion to the regular AdSense program, AdSense for search, allows website owners to place Google search boxes on their websites. When a user searches the Internet or the website with the search box, Google shares any advertising revenue it makes from those searches with the website owner. However the publisher is paid only if the advertisements on the page are clicked: AdSense does not pay publishers for mere searches.

[edit] AdSense for mobile content

AdSense for mobile content allows publishers to generate earnings from their mobile websites using targeted Google advertisements. Just like AdSense for content, Google matches advertisements to the content of a website — in this case, a mobile website.

[edit] XHTML compatibility

As of September 2007, the HTML code for the AdSense search box does not validate as XHTML, and does not follow modern principles of website design because of its use of

* non-standard end tags, such as and ,
* the attribute checked rather than checked="checked",
* presentational attributes other than id, class, or style — for example, bgcolor and align,
* a table structure for purely presentational (i.e., non-tabular) purposes, and
* the font tag.

Additionally, the AdSense advertisement units use the JavaScript method document.write(), which does not work correctly when rendered with the application/xhtml+xml MIME type. The units also use the iframe HTML tag, which is not validated correctly with the XHTML 1.0 Strict or XHTML 1.0 Transitional DOCTYPEs.

The terms of the AdSense program forbid its affiliates from modifying the code, thus preventing these participants from having valid XHTML websites.

However, a workaround has been found by creating a separate HTML webpage containing only the AdSense advertisement units, and then importing this page into an XHTML webpage with an object tag. [8] This workaround appears to be accepted by Google.[9]

[edit] How AdSense works

* The webmaster inserts the AdSense JavaScript code into a webpage.
* Each time this page is visited, the JavaScript code creates an IFrame with a src attribute set to the page's URL.
* For contextual advertisements, Google's servers use a cache of the page to determine a set of high-value keywords. If keywords have been cached already, advertisements are served for those keywords based on the AdWords bidding system. (More details are described in the AdSense patent.)
* For site-targeted advertisements, the advertiser chooses the page(s) on which to display advertisements, and pays based on cost-per-thousand-impressions (CPM), or the price advertisers choose to pay for every thousand advertisements displayed.[10] [11]
* For referrals, Google adds money to the advertiser's account when visitors either download the referred software or subscribe to the referred service.[12] The referral program will be retired in August 2008.[13]
* Search advertisements are added to the list of results after the visitor performs a search.
* Because the JavaScript is sent to the Web browser when the page is requested, it is possible for other website owners to copy the JavaScript code into their own webpages. To protect against this type of fraud, AdSense customers can specify the pages on which advertisements should be shown. AdSense then ignores clicks from pages other than those specified.

[edit] Abuse

Some webmasters create websites tailored to lure searchers from Google and other engines onto their AdSense website to make money from clicks. These "zombie" websites often contain nothing but a large amount of interconnected, automated content (e.g., a directory with content from the Open Directory Project, or scraper websites relying on RSS feeds for content). Possibly the most popular form of such "AdSense farms" are splogs (spam blogs), which are centered around known high-paying keywords. Many of these websites use content from other websites, such as Wikipedia, to attract visitors. These and related approaches are considered to be search engine spam and can be reported to Google.

A Made for AdSense (MFA) website or webpage has little or no content, but is filled with advertisements so that users have no choice but to click on advertisements. Such pages were tolerated in the past, but due to complaints, Google now disables such accounts.

There have also been reports of Trojan horses engineered to produce counterfeit Google advertisements that are formatted to look like legitimate ones. The Trojan downloads itself onto an unsuspecting computer through a webpage and then replaces the original advertisements with its own set of malicious advertisements.[14]

[edit] Criticism

Due to concerns about click fraud, Google AdSense has been criticized by some search engine optimization firms as a large source of what Google calls "invalid clicks," in which one company clicks on a rival's search engine advertisements to drive up the other company's costs.[15] Some publishers that have been blocked by Google complain that little justification or transparency was provided. Webmasters who publish AdSense can receive a life-long ban without justification.[citation needed] Google claims they cannot "disclose any specific details" on fraudulent clicks since it may reveal the nature of their proprietary click-fraud monitoring system.[16]

To help prevent click fraud, AdSense publishers can choose from a number of click-tracking programs. These programs display detailed information about the visitors who click on the AdSense advertisements. Publishers can use this to determine whether or not they have been a victim of click fraud. There are a number of commercial tracking scripts available for purchase.

The payment terms for webmasters have also been criticized.[17] Google withholds payment until an account reaches US$100,[18] but many small content providers[citation needed] require a long time – years in many cases – to build up this much AdSense revenue. These pending payments are recorded on Google's balance sheet as "accrued revenue share".[19] At the close of its 2006 fiscal year, the sum of all these small debts amounted to a little over US$370 million, money that Google is able to invest but effectively belongs to webmasters. However, Google will pay all earned revenue greater than US$10 when an AdSense account is closed.

Google recently came under fire when the official Google AdSense Blog showcased the French video website This website violated Google's AdSense Program Policies by displaying AdSense alongside sexually explicit material.[20] Typically, websites displaying AdSense have been banned from showing such content